Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lan Kwai Fong & Kowloon

For my last full day in HK, I wandered around Lan Kwai Fong and Soho on Hong Kong Island for a while. Both of these areas are dizzying arrays of alleyways, each filled with stores and restaurants from around the world. Unfortunately I didn't have much luck finding gluten free Cantonese food, but there were Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, and Korean restaurants that all appeared to have gluten free options.

After lunch, I spent the rest of the day exploring Kowloon, which lies directly across the harbor from Hong Kong Island. The Yuen Po Street Bird Market was pretty entertaining, with some 40 different shops selling everything from exotic birds to bamboo-woven birdcages to live insects and larva as bird feed.

From there I walked to the Flower Market, an extensive strip of florists that was extremely crowded. Actually, all of Kowloon seemed to be overcrowded, which isn't surprising considering over 2 million people live on the tiny peninsula.

One of the flower shops was completely empty except for this dog. I'll just assume he's the owner.

After escaping the Flower Market, I found myself in the Goldfish Market, which is, (yup you guessed it) an entire street dedicated to selling exotic fish and aquarium tanks.

If you continue to walk down Nathan Street you reach the Temple Street Night Market, which is basically the same as the Beijing Silk Market, except outdoors, and selling potentially slightly less fake stuff. It's definitely going to be a culture shock to come home and not be able to haggle when buying everything.

Location:Yee Wo St,,Hong Kong

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