Of course, everything is fake. Fake Polos, fake Louis Vuitton bags, fake Rolexes, fake North Face backpacks, fake iPhones, fake diamonds and pearls. Fake everything...the Chinese way.
If you're a foreigner, these vendors prey on you to rip you off. You have to do a lot of haggling in Mandarin in order to get a fair price. For example, I was buying a pair of fake Versace sunglasses. The saleslady wanted 1200 kuai (nearly $200) and I ended up paying 20 kuai ($3) for the shades.
Of course, all of this haggling is a hassle, and you often have to just walk away from the vendors. Sometimes they just get angry, but more often than not, they chase you down and agree to a decent price.
These signs hang everywhere in the market: "Protect intellectual property rights. Be law abiding vendors." It's more than a little bit ironic considering there's not a single real item being sold in the whole place. But that's China for you: legitimacy doesn't matter - it's all about the perception of legitimacy.
Location:Xizhaosi Xili,Beijing,China
your wearing fake versace? thats a disgrace to your oakley roots